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Let's Talk About Creativity



The use of the imagination or original ideas, especially in the production of an artistic work.

We all love creativity. And, interestingly, I think most of us would say that we just don’t see enough of it - or get enough of it. I would also guess that many of us feel like we don’t engage in enough creativity in our own lives. And we wonder – ‘Why is that? What is stifling our creativity?

Well, the answer might surprise you. For many, it boils down to ‘courage!’ It takes courage to be creative. You need to be willing to break with established norms and traditions. To do something ‘different.’ And to be ‘different.’

In addition to courage, it’s also the fact that to be creative, you need to have ‘creative time.’ It’s just so very easy to get wrapped up in the daily routine – with activities – one after another, eating up your time. Making you feel ‘busy’ – but never really having the time or the space to be creative.

So, from this moment forward, let’s resolve to make a commitment to creativity. Let’s dare to be different. Let’s live a fuller life – by taking some risks. Create and enjoy! Let’s break ourselves free from the daily grind – and find some quiet moments to be our most creative selves.

Then, as you think about how this approach will improve your life, think also about how it can positively impact your wellness journey. And, as you do so, there is some marvelous food for thought in the articles below – our special edition of The Ballou Review focused on ‘creativity.’

We love you – and care deeply about your wellness and success.

With Much Gratitude,

Karen Ballou

Founder & CEO



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